A Wandering Mathematician personal notes

The Miracle of Data-Driven Modelling

A typical problem in machine learning is to fit a collection of labelled data points $(\bold{x}^1, y^1), \ldots, (\bold{x}^p, y^p)$ using some model function \[y = f(\bold{x}).\] Each point $\bold{x} = (x_1, \ldots, x_N)$ is a vector in $\R^N$, where $N$ could easily be about millions. For example, a black and white picture with a regular came... Read more

About the Author

My name is Felipe Ponce-Vanegas. I am a postdoc fellow at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) in the Basque Country, Spain. The research topic of my PhD thesis was the problem of restriction of the Fourier Transform and its applications. Currently I work on signal processing, and I am in close contact with researchers and enginee... Read more